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Ikigai, Activity and Older European Women

Authors: Agulló-Tomás, María Silveria and Zorrilla-Muñoz, Vanessa. Institute of Gender Studies University, Department of Social Analysis...

Retaining Senior Talent

The Ageing Research Group at the Spanish National Research Council (GIE-CSIC due to its initials in Spanish,

A la figura de... Margarita Salas

Con motivo del fallecimiento de Margarita Salas (Asturias, 1938 - Madrid, 2019), muchos medios han recuperado entrevistas de la genial...

SEGG Conference in Zaragoza

In a conference from the 12th to the 14th of June, M. Joao Forjaz presented the QASP investigation. She explained the objective and...

Kick-Off Meeting

The team met on the 15th of April, 2019 at the Instituto de Salud Carlos III to discuss the objectives of the project, the next step they...

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